Saturday, 24 September 2011

Books 1

As a college student who isn't currently enrolled at college, I have ample free time to run around and read books. Well, running and reading would be hard to mix, but I'm sure I would if I could find a way. With all this reading, the library and I have become quite good friends. With this new friendship, and with their catalog accessible from the couch, I've read several new things that I would have never read. So to kick off what I'm hoping to turn Sarah Wears into (I'm still working on a name), here's my latest read. Well, reads.

     Insatiable by Meg Cabot. To summarize, vampires are real, the Vatican is fighting them, and Meena can tell you when you're going to die.
     Originally I didn't get this book because I thought with a name like Insatiable it has to be a little bit scandalous. It is a little scandalous, but not like "She moaned as he blah-blah-blahed her." I loved it, the book makes fun of Twilight, but not outright so look for it and you'll find it. Meg Cabot can tell a good story.

     Overbite by Meg Cabot. In part two of this series (I got this book from the library first not knowing it was part of a series, but I stopped reading it to start the first one-a good decision), Meena's life goes on with vampires, hellmouths, and the New Jersey devil. Good times.

     This one was a lot shorter than it's predecessor, but the story was just as well thought out and written. There's a lot more action, and a lot less sexy time. There wasn't a lot of sexy time in the first one, but there's none in this one. Meena this time around gets to have a steady non-soap opera writing job, and there's even more creatures.

     Next, I'm reading Sixteen Brides, and so far it's really promising! 

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