Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Quick Notes

First off, I have another book post to write, but it'll take me a while to write. Mainly because I am busy with cooking and running and such. Also I'm busy with thinking of what to write. The last book I read was kind of intense, so I'm thinking over it.

Secondly, there was a dorm dinner tonight. It was pretty fun. And by fun I mean, I talked to a lovely boy. He's from Indiana. He also likes my food. Sadly, I forgot to get his name. The next time I'm at the gate, I'll ask.

Thirdly, is that even a word? Thirdly, I'm having a fabulous time not worrying about whether or not I've over worn this outfit. Luckily, this is a new shirt, so it's impossible for me to have over worn it, yet.

Fourthly (I'm pretty confident that it's not a word, but I'm not fussed), this has been an awesome week, and it's only Wednesday!

This is quite possible the best boat I've ever seen. 

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Books 2

      Since my last book post writing, I've read 3 and a half books (not that I'm one to brag, I would never brag). Since two of those books are part of a trilogy, I'm only going to write about the first one, it's part of a trilogy too, but the second part of it hasn't come out yet, so onward!

      Once again, I read a book by Meg Cabot, I love Meg Cabot, and I'm hoping to one day be able to finish the Princess Diaries series. No, but really, I love Princess Mia. This book had nothing to do with Princess Mia or New York City or you know normal teenagers. This book had to do with death, and diamonds, and a Fury. Good times. If you are unaware of what a Fury is, I suggest Edith Hamilton's Mythology, not Wikipedia.

     Abandon by Meg Cabot is a story about a girl who has died and come back. The story doesn't start with her death or with any deaths. Pierce is the girl who has died, and now she can't seem to get away from the boy she meant when she died. The book starts with Pierce settling into her new house away from where she died, and starting out fresh. She's got a long way to go though if she thinks she's getting away from the boy she met after she died, and an even longer way to go to get away from those who want her dead, for real this time. 
      The story was a little slow to get started, but since this is the first book of a trilogy that's forgivable. Building the characters is really important in my book. I love a series with characters that have a story and that you can build a relationship with. Even though book characters aren't real, I have a running relationship with almost every character from several books I've read. I can only hope that for the next book, that Pierce gets some more action. Not THAT kind of action, action that involves running from Furies. Not sexy time, she's only 17 and way too young for that. Also, in the next book, Underworld, I'm hoping for some more Persephone-esque mentions. 

Books 1

As a college student who isn't currently enrolled at college, I have ample free time to run around and read books. Well, running and reading would be hard to mix, but I'm sure I would if I could find a way. With all this reading, the library and I have become quite good friends. With this new friendship, and with their catalog accessible from the couch, I've read several new things that I would have never read. So to kick off what I'm hoping to turn Sarah Wears into (I'm still working on a name), here's my latest read. Well, reads.

     Insatiable by Meg Cabot. To summarize, vampires are real, the Vatican is fighting them, and Meena can tell you when you're going to die.
     Originally I didn't get this book because I thought with a name like Insatiable it has to be a little bit scandalous. It is a little scandalous, but not like "She moaned as he blah-blah-blahed her." I loved it, the book makes fun of Twilight, but not outright so look for it and you'll find it. Meg Cabot can tell a good story.

     Overbite by Meg Cabot. In part two of this series (I got this book from the library first not knowing it was part of a series, but I stopped reading it to start the first one-a good decision), Meena's life goes on with vampires, hellmouths, and the New Jersey devil. Good times.

     This one was a lot shorter than it's predecessor, but the story was just as well thought out and written. There's a lot more action, and a lot less sexy time. There wasn't a lot of sexy time in the first one, but there's none in this one. Meena this time around gets to have a steady non-soap opera writing job, and there's even more creatures.

     Next, I'm reading Sixteen Brides, and so far it's really promising! 

Songs for the Week

     I happily borrowed this idea from my friend Delaney, and she too thinks it's a brilliant idea. I have to say, that girl is smart. So here's a list of songs I'm loving, and that you too should learn to love. Are they all chart toppers this week? Maybe a few, but some are oldies.

 1. Called Out in the Dark-Snow Patrol

 2. She Makes Me Wanna- JLS

 3. Stay Awake- Example

 4. What Makes You Beautiful- One Direction

 5. The Lazy Song- Bruno Mars

 6. I Gave You All- Mumford and Sons

     Some people do lists in 10, I do lists in whatever number suits my fancy. Thus six songs for your listening pleasure. I could have done a seventh, but Sunday is for resting, not music listening. Only joking, listen to Ben Folds on Sunday.
     So when should you listen to these songs? Personally, I try to get them in as many times a day as possible. If you cannot do that, then I recommend an ipod so you can listen while doing other things. If you have an ipod, and still cannot listen several times a day, then it's time to redo your priorities. 

The Switchover

I've decided to give blogger a try after spending loads of time on tumblr, which I'll continue. But I wanted to move my new blog here and keep tumblr going for pictures and such.